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Wednesday items: Domitrovic on democratic money; Bernanke hints at QE3; Ron Paul on gold and competing currencies.

From Forbes, Brian Domitrovic argues for democratizing monetary policy.

Reuters reports gold hitting a new record today in response to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s hints about a possible QE3.

On The Kudlow Report, US Rep. Ron Paul (TX) discusses Bernanke’s comment that gold is not money:

From First Trust, Brian Wesbury suggests government spending is hurting jobs.

On New York’s WOR radio, Steve Forbes blames the weak dollar for the hero.

From 2009, South Park explains the Treasury’s bailout decisions:

A paper from the progressive Center for American Progress examines US tax rates.

From Brookings, Henry Aaron argues Republican tax reform ideas will “starve the beast.”

On his blog, Robert Reich suggests Sen. Mitch McConnell’s (KY) debt ceiling compromise – no tax hikes, no major spending cuts – will prevail.

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