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Wednesday summary: Benko on the Gold Commission; Forbes discusses Romney spending and tax plans; Lewis on gold versus a commodity basket.

From TGSN, Ralph Benko notes critical interest in Gingrich’s Gold Commission.

On his blog, Dick Morris suggests Mitt Romney beat Newt Gingrich in Florida by distracting him from talking about pro-growth ideas.

The WSJ wonders if Gingrich can come back by focusing on policy.

At The Future of Capitalism, Ira Stoll notes Romney’s remark on the poor.

On The Kudlow Report, Steve Forbes discusses Romney’s fiscal proposals:

From The American, James Pethokoukis examines poverty rates in America.

At Forbes, Nathan Lewis argues gold is a superior to a commodity basket for monetary stability.

From The Financial Post (CA), Steve Hanke explains the danger of exchange rate manipulation.

The Cato Policy Report excerpts remarks from its November monetary conference.

From First Trust, Brian Wesbury predicts the Fed’s loose policy will lead to inflation.

At NCPA, Bob McTeer explains that saving not bad for the economy.

On The Kudlow, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) debates tax rates:

In The Washington Times, Dean Kleckner opposes the Obama Administration’s tough stance on China trade.

In US News, Dan Mitchell supports the flat tax.

At TGSN, Ralph Benko highlights George Washington’s support for sound money.

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