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Wednesday Summary: Congressman Brady describes The Fed’s next hundred years, and calls for a national debate on Fed policy; Rand Paul discusses Milton Friedman and restraint

Monetary Reform

From The WSJ, Congressman Brady describes The Federal Reserve’s next hundred years, and calls for a national debate on Fed policy.

In National Review, Rand Paul discusses Milton Friedman and restraint.

At AEI, James Pethokoukis believes Rand Paul is wrong about Milton Friedman.

From The WSJ, Gerald Seib and David Wessel state the White House officials are trying to quash Yellen’s campaign.

On, Ralph Benko says for Republicans to win, libertarians and conservatives must find common ground.

The Kudlow Report discusses bitcoins, and government gone wild.

At TGSN, and retweeted by Steve Forbes, Ralph Benko explains how The Tale of Pinocchio can be taken as an elegant metaphor for the gold standard.


From ATR, Katie McAuliffe asks how a small business can cope with 45 state audits.

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