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Wednesday summary: Kudlow on the President’s tax hike rhetoric; The WSJ opposes cutting tax deductions; The NY Sun on the Sound Money Promotion Act.

From NRO, Larry Kudlow notes the President’s tax hike rhetoric.

The WSJ suggests reducing deductions is a stealth tax increase.

The NY Sun promotes the Sound Money Promotion Act.

On The Kudlow Report, Stephen Moore debates the shift of Independents to the right:

At NRO, Former Sen. Fred Thompson (TN) argues for cutting spending rather than raising taxes.

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore reports Obamacare won’t stop Medicaid and Medicare costs from soaring.

From Project Syndicate, conservative Keynesian Martin Feldstein notes the negative impact of flat wages and rising prices but doesn’t suggest stabilizing the dollar.

In The Washington Post, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission chairman Phil Angelides chastises Alan Greenspan for his support of financial deregulation, but makes no mention of the weak dollar’s role in the subprime mortgage crisis.

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