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Wednesday update: Lipsky suggests questions for Bernanke; Kudlow and Lehrman on Bernanke; Kristol on the need for a pro-growth candidate.

Bloomberg reports Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will maintain QE2 through June but is unlikely to enact QE3.

In The WSJ, Seth Lipsky offers questions for Fed Chairman Bernanke.

At NRO, Larry Kudlow suggests gold rose today due to Fed chairman Bernanke’s statement.

On The Kudlow Report, Lew Lehrman discusses Bernanke’s statement:

At The Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol quotes Lew Lehrman and pines for a GOP candidate with a deep understanding of the conservative economic model.

From Cato, Alan Reynolds corrects the President on wages and tax rates.

The NY Sun chides Treasury Sec. Geithner for his strong dollar claim.

Despite negative stories today in The NYT and on NPR, on NRO Ryan Stiles argues Republicans are in good shape on the budget debate.

On Fox News, Stephen Moore discusses energy prices:

At NRO, Kudlow rebuts attacks on the energy industry.

On The Daily Caller, John Mueller explains the flaw in Bernanke’s view of the Great Depression.

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