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Weekend edition: Benko on Chatham House; Lewis on the 1920 recession; Laffer on the tax cliff.

From TGSN, Ralph Benko rebuts the report of the Chatham House Gold Taskforce.

In Forbes, Peter Ferrara defends US Rep. Paul Ryan’s (WI) budget and tax plan.

From NWE, Nathan Lewis explains the tight money roots of the 1920 recession.

At RCM, John Tamny refutes the claim that the stock market has risen due to Fed policy.

On Market Watch, Art Laffer discusses the tax cliff coming in 2013:

In The WSJ, John B. Taylor argues that rules-based monetary policy is clearly superior to discretionary policy.

In Forbes, Louis Woodhill critiques spending stimulus.

On NRO, Larry Kudlow pans the President’s attacks on the oil industry and the wealthy.

Also on NRO, Kudlow suggests Mitt Romney will be advantaged if the Supreme Court overturns Obamacare.

In The NY Post, Dan Mitchell blames the President for weak economy.

At Forbes, Jerry Bowyer continues his analysis of the gold price.

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore profiles Gov. Rick Scott.

On CNBC, Kudlow discusses oil’s price:

Politico reports Republicans fear Hispanic opposition at the ballot box.

On Oklahoma Public Radio, a snarky Prof. Jonathan Willmer opposes Laffer’s proposed state tax rate cuts.

The OC Register applauds Laffer’s state tax reform proposal.

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