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Weekend edition: Kudlow on Romney’s supply-side focus; Newt on rising oil; Goldman says the dollar isn’t driven by the Fed.

From Forbes, Richard Salsman urges Mitt Romney to strengthen his supply-side rhetoric.

On NRO, Larry Kudlow suggests Romney won last week by focusing on tax cuts and spending restraint.

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore reports that if Newt Gingrich bows out he may endorse Rick Santorum.

The Weekly Standard highlights a study by our friends at Evolving Strategies that suggests Romney is the strongest general election candidate.

In an ad, Newt Gingrich advocates lower gas prices but leave a stronger dollar out of the equation:

At CityAM (UK), Austrian George Selgin blames England for the monetary mess that led to the Great Depression.

On NWE, Nathan Lewis examines the falling commodity-1890s.

From First Trust, Brian Wesbury argues the Fed can’t make the case for QE3.

At Forbes, Jerry Bowyer links low interest rates to weak recoveries.

CBS News notes alternative, higher inflation numbers.

At Calafia Beach Pundit, Scott Grannis highlights Obamacare’s seven fatal flaws.

The Atlantic notes that Yale’s tuition is the same today in gold as in 1900.

The WSJ warns against excess liquidity creation from the world’s central banks.

At Forbes, Nathan Lewis explains the link between the dollar and oil.

On the Kudlow Report, David Goldman suggests oil’s price increase is not driven primarily by the Fed:

Politico reports Ben Bernanke saying gas prices won’t drive up inflation.

On TGSN, Ralph Benko notes the Fed’s poor track record of predictions.

At The American, James Pethokoukis highlights 13 charts that highlight the President’s poor economic record.

US News highlights a poll showing Keynesian spending stimulus is unpopular.

In The WSJ, Fred Barnes applauds US Rep. Paul Ryan’s (WI) ongoing Medicare leadership, but omits polls suggesting the GOP may lose the House in November.

In The WSJ, Democratic Gov. Jack Markell (DE) notes the decline of American IPOs since the 1990s.

The U.S. has experienced a stunning decline in IPOs and stock listings while capital markets in Asia, Europe and South America have thrived. Data from the World Federation of Stock Exchanges show that the number of U.S. IPOs has dropped to only about 100 annually, compared to about 360 a decade ago. In just 15 years, listings on U.S. exchanges dropped from 8,800 companies to under 5,000. Meanwhile, listings on major overseas exchanges doubled. Fewer than 10% of all global IPOs list on U.S. exchanges today, compared with 48% in the late 1990s.

The NYT reports London, not New York, is the money capital of the world.

In The WSJ, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner misdiagnoses the financial crisis of late 2008 as rooted in regulatory lapses rather than currency instability.

At The Atlantic, Matthew O’Brien argues a global currency war would be positive because it would increase liquidity.

In Fiscal Times, Bruce Bartlett notes looming debt and tax rate cliffs later this year.

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