Weekend edition: Kudlow sees Reagan in Romney; Romney says he would repeal Obamacare; Goldman on manufacturing.

From NRO, Larry Kudlow sees Reagan emerging in Mitt Romney.

In USA Today, Romney says he would repeal Obamacare and outlines steps to reform the health system.

At Forbes, Peter Ferrara applauds US Rep. Paul Ryan’s (WI) budget plan.

On The Kudlow Report, a panel discusses the Ryan budget plan’s cuts:

In an interesting analysis at PJ Media, David Goldman argues Rick Santorum is right to propose special help to manufacturers.

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore reports on the five-way contest for Texas’s Republican Senate nomination.

At RCM, Robert Tracinski underscores the Obama economy’s slow growth rate.

The Beacon Center of Tennessee highlights Art Laffer’s new study on the state’s death tax.

In The WSJ, Richard Katz suggests Japan has lost its edge in electronics.

The National Interest remembers Robert Bartley’s legacy at The WSJ.

The NYT notes America’s declining reliance on exported oil.

On Fox Business News, finance legend Robert Prechter argues the biggest risk to the economy is deflation:

Seeking Alpha advocates a demand-side revolution while mischaracterizing supply-side economics.

At Fiscal Times, Bruce Bartlett critiques the Ryan budget plan.

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