From Forbes, Nathan Lewis reviews Lew Lehrman’s gold standard plan.
On NRO, Larry Kudlow suggests the Super Committee sequestration will be positive for markets, but fears a congressional capitulation.
CBS’s 60 Minutes profiles anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist:
At Forbes, Peter Ferrara critiques the Obama economic record.
From Cato, Alan Reynolds discusses the budget and the gold standard.
At TGSN, Ralph Benko reprints a passage from Marc Polo’s The Travels on the Chinese monetary system.
On The Kudlow Report, Grover Norquist debates tax rates:
In IBD, US Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) argues tax cuts have been progressive while the entitlement system is regressive.
At The American, James Pethokoukis wonders if Ryan will agree to raise taxes.
The WSJ Asia analyzes the Japanese trade agreement, and China’s non-inclusion:
From Yahoo Finance, Steve Forbes says Rick Perry can make a comeback.