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Weekend Round Up: John Tamny reviews George Gilder’s “Knowledge and Power”; John Taylor and Larry Kudlow discuss taper talk and the Fed

Politics and Government

On, John Tamny reviews George Gilder’s new book Knowledge and Power

George Gilder explains where economic growth comes from

Monetary Reform

On The Kudlow Report, John Taylor discuss taper talk and the Fed.

From Plata, Hugo Salinas Price expands on Copernicus, Galileo, and Gold.

In TGSN, Ralph Benko reiterates Princeton President Witherspoon’s position that paper money is “absurd and contemptible”.

At, Nathan Lewis merges the supply side and Austrian monetary traditions.


On ATR, Tom Fletcher criticizes Ed Markey’s awful tax record.

At The WSJ, Stephen Moore says Republicans are being tested on their lower-taxes rhetoric

In Inside Higher Ed, Joshua Kim follows up on John Tamny’s Forbes piece regarding the online education bubble.

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