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Weekend Round Up: Steve Forbes explains why the european central bank can’t cure what ails europe; Peter Ferrara writes linking the dollar to gold will restore an economic boom; Bolivia becomes the first country in the western hemisphere to ban bitcoins.

Politics and Government

From Cato, Paul Knappenberger and Patrick Michaels attack the Obama administration’s pursuit of carbon dioxide regulations.

Monetary Reform

At, Steve Forbes explains why the european central bank can’t cure what ails europe.

From, Peter Ferrara writes linking the dollar to gold will restore an economic boom.

In The NY Times, Binyamin Appelbaum writes the Fed’s bond-buying fades, but stimulus won’t end there.

In The LA Times, Don Lee and Tiffany Hsu say the Fed is staying the course on rates, tapering.

At, Sy Harding believes the stage is set for markets to be smarter than the Fed again.


Bolivia becomes the first country in the western hemisphere to ban bitcoins.

In The WSJ, David Roman details Spain’s income and corporate tax cuts.

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