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Weekend Wrap Up: Alan Greenspan Talks Gold– The Force Awakens; American Principles slams Janet Yellen for meeting with President Obama on election night, says a terrible line was crossed; Seth Lipsky says the GOP should start fixing the Fed.

Politics and Government

In The Hill, American Principles slams Janet Yellen for meeting with President Obama on election night, says a terrible line was crossed.

In the Washington Times, Stephen Moore celebrates the results of the tax cut referendums.

At, John Tamny writes November 4th discredited President Obama and the Republican Party’s victim wing; Also on, John Tamny says oil’s decline is wholly a dollar story.

Monetary Reform

Alan Greenspan Talks Gold– The Force Awakens?
In the NY Post, Seth Lipsky says the GOP should start fixing the Fed.

In The WSJ, Holman Jenkins wonders if the Fed read the election returns.

At Cato, James Dorn writes Janet Yellen is ignoring the Fed’s role in creating income inequality.

The Economist reviews Jim Grant’s latest book about what the “forgotten depression” of 1921 can teach policy makers.

Liberty Street Economics explains how a stitch in time can save you from carrying around worthless money.

Middle Class Squeeze

Airfare prices climb despite recent price drops in airline fuel.

Spike in food prices proves to be too much for those on fixed income

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