Bush’s Plan Goes Long Way Toward Restoring 4% Growth
By Larry Kudlow and Stephen Moore From Investor’s Business Daily, The political class in Washington had sneered at Jeb Bush’s pledge to put America back
By Larry Kudlow and Stephen Moore From Investor’s Business Daily, The political class in Washington had sneered at Jeb Bush’s pledge to put America back
From Washington Post, The trio of supply-side conservatives — Heritage Foundation economist Stephen Moore, publishing executive Steve Forbes and CNBC contributor Larry Kudlow — met
By Stephen Moore and Larry Kudlow From Investor’s Business Daily, Here’s a historical fact that Donald Trump, and many voters attracted to him, may not
By Dr. Arthur B. Laffer From Investor’s Business Daily, During the Reagan years, “federal income taxes” as a percentage of GDP went from 9.1% in
By Steve Forbes From Forbes, They let Trump set the agenda. There was a vacuum in both policy and, astonishingly, searing criticism of Barak Obama (in
From The Washington Post, “One of the reasons why Donald Trump is doing so well is because he’s saying things people believe,” Huckabee said. “People
From Observer, “Distrust with Wall Street and with Washington is probably greater than at any time in our history,” Mr. Perry said at a Midtown luncheon
From Breitbart, The speech Perry delivered on Wednesday was noteworthy on its own, separate from any pull-up challenges that were issued afterwards. The event was sponsored
By Dr. Arthur B. Laffer From Investor’s Business Daily, Hoover’s economy hit bottom in late 1932, with unemployment at 24%, and Franklin Roosevelt resoundingly spanked
From MarketWatch, Economists Steve Forbes, Larry Kudlow, Dr. Arthur B. Laffer, and Steve Moore have launched the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. This group aims to