Arthur Laffer and Steve Forbes on how to unleash prosperity: Cut taxes, stabilize the dollar, reduce tariffs, and reduce regulation.

Policy and Government

Arthur Laffer and Steve Forbes on how to unleash prosperity: Cut taxes, stabilize the dollar, reduce tariffs, and reduce regulation.

On CBN News, Stephen Moore gives his ideas to replace Obamacare.

From, Tim Worstall explains why a federal jobs guarantee wouldn’t work.

Investor’s Business Daily says 3 percent growth is possible.


From, John Tamny says Gary Cohn is the wrong choice for Fed chair.


On KSFO, Stephen Moore is hopeful for tax reform.

In the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Representative Brat says tax reform is key to renewing the American spirit.


From, Tim Worstall writes if Obama couldn’t find a shovel-ready project, what does that say about Elon Musks’s “verbal approval”?

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Washington, DC 20005