Dan Mitchell says Paul Krugman has discovered his supply-side.
Investor’s Business Daily mocks the media’s revisionist history in crediting our economic growth to Obama.
Investor’s Business Daily gives its worst case scenario for a trade war with China.
At Forbes.com, Chuck Devore discusses the consequences of California’s minimum wage hike.
Steel tariffs harm nail industry.
Why socialism is economic poison.
From Forbes.com, Norbert Michel covers the mainstreaming of Bitcoin.
FEE worries monetary policy could cause the next recession.
Alan Reynolds shows us the revenue impact of cutting capital gains taxes.
Steve Forbes explains why “Medicare for All” is a bad idea.
Dan Mitchell writes welfare spending did not decrease poverty, capitalism did.
New York City puts the brakes on Uber.
Steve Hanke explains how Erdogan can save the Turkish Lira here and here and here.