San Francisco To Outlaw The Term “Looting?”

You’ve probably seen the troubling videos of smash-and-grab robbers swarming tony San Francisco stores, overwhelming employees and stealing carloads of expensive merchandise. Anything they can get their hands on.

But don’t you dare call this practice “looting.” Local ABC-TV’s “Race and Social Justice” reporter Julian Glover says that “looting” is a racist term that’s inevitably associated with “people of color.”

Lorenzo Boyd, Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of New Haven, claimed to Glover that “looting is a term that we typically use when people of color or urban dwellers are doing something.”

Glover followed up by stating that California law discusses looting in the context of a state of emergency. The reporter then showed footage of San Francisco’s black police chief “misusing” the term looting in discussing the mass robberies.

Got that?

So the left is telling us that we can’t use the term “looting” because looters are predominantly black or brown skinned. Doesn’t THAT sound like an incredibly racist thing to say?

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