The news that Democratic Senator Ben Ray Lujan has suffered a stroke and may be absent from the Senate that’s tied between the parties prompts us to ask the question: why doesn’t Congress have term limits? This election reform is supported by three of four Americans.
The current Senate is the oldest in history, with five members past age 80 and another 23 members in their 70s. Let’s just say that are not at the top of their game – if they ever had a game. The Senate leaders, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell are 71 and 79 respectively.
The late Strom Thurmond, who finally retired at age 100, once joked to a colleague the Senate “was the finest assisted care facility on the planet.”
Mike Kim, the owner of Grub’s Pharmacy in Washington, told STAT News in 2017 that he routinely sends Alzheimer’s medication to Capitol Hill. “It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘Wow, they’re making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.’”