Lockdown Supporters Are Starting To Repent

Two years into the pandemic almost all restrictions here and in the U.K. are being lifted, we are getting a few belated confessions from a somewhat chastened Lockdown Lobby:

Mark Woolhouse, an epidemiologist and a member of Britain’s official SAGE or Scientific Advisory committee acknowledges in his new book, “The Year The World Went Mad,” that the scientists got almost everything completely wrong. Lockdown opponents were right that protecting vulnerable populations was a much smarter strategy.


“We knew from February 2020, never mind March, that the lockdown would not solve the problem. It would simply delay it,” Woolhouse says. Nonetheless, in government circles “there was never at any stage any form of analysis of the harms caused by lockdowns. Were they even considered? I haven’t seen any evidence that they were and that is very, very troubling.”


“We panicked,” Woolhouse admits. “The dice were always loaded in favor of suppressing novel coronavirus at – almost literally – any cost.” The takeaway, he advises is: “How do we not do that in the future?”

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