Gee, Gavin Newsom Sure Is A Great Governor (Not)

Many of our liberal friends (yes, we have some), are touting California Governor as their best presidential candidate for 2024. If they’re right — and they just might be — then that says a lot about the pitiful state of the Democrats’ “bench.”

Would Newsom run on a theme of “make America look like California”? That’s a loser.

A new report from our friends at Laffer Associates is a must-read on the financial and demographic collapse of the once-Golden State. This chart on the millions of Californians leaving for greener pastures tells the whole story. The stampede east is accelerating every year. Americans are voting with their feet in giant numbers out of one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

And the are taking their money with them in a kind of reverse gold rush.

Yes, Gavin Newsom has great hair. But his record is dismal.

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