China’s Population Expected to Fall by Half in This Century

The communists in Beijing are said to be highly embarrassed that India has surpassed China as the world’s most populous country. That’s unbecoming of a supposed world economic superpower. It’s going to get worse for China in the decades to come.

Long-term population projections are often terribly wrong (remember predictions in the 1970s of “the population bomb”?) but the latest United Nations predictions on what will happen with the number of people populating each country by 2050 and then 2100 are jaw-dropping.

Here’s the legacy of the ghastly one-child policy under Mao: the Chinese population will decline every decade for the rest of this decade and will be down 50% by 2100 – tumbling from 1.4 Billion today to 770 million next year.

Beijing may need to adopt a four-child policy.

The U.S. has low birth rates, but thanks to immigration, our population is expected to remain stable at about 350 million.

Keep an eye on Nigeria where birth rates are near the highest in the world. The population is expected to rise from 220 million today to 545 million in 75 years. We may need some of their kids to immigrate here.

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