From UVA’s Miller Center, Brian Domitrovic responds to Paul Krugman’s defense of the economic recovery.
Zerohedge highlights a James Grant interview on the Fed and the stock market.
At NRO, Larry Kudlow argues Mitt Romney needs to widen his lead with the investor class.
On The Kudlow Report, US Rep. Jeb Henserling (TX) debates tax policy:
TGSN recounts the history of William Jennings Bryan’s Cross of Gold.
In The WSJ, Arthur Brooks suggests that generous social welfare programs demoralize workers.
From First Trust, Brian Wesbury predicts resurgent socialism in Europe will be short-lived.
Zerohedge features David Stockman discussing the Fed, debt and markets.
At Forbes, Jerry Bowyer explains how the economy is supposed to work.
In The Weekly Standard, Jeff Bell argues the President’s embrace of gay marriage will make it harder for him to win key swing states.
At The American, James Pethokoukis applauds Arthur Brooks’ new book, The Road to Freedom.
From Alhambra Partners, John Chapman analyzes Facebook’s economic impact.