Hillary Clinton rebuts the Democratic Party’s platform call for a carbon tax.

5494843958_8a10fe6f02_z (1)Policy and Government

At Reason.com, Ira Stoll wonders if the markets care who becomes President.

From AEI, Mark Perry asks if the midyear burst of minimum wage increases is responsible for the surge in black teen unemployment.


Senate Democrats filibuster and defeat the ‘Audit the Fed’ bill.


Hillary Clinton rebuts the Democratic Party’s platform call for a carbon tax.


Congressional Budget Office warns federal debt is heading towards record levels as a percentage of GDP.

Dan Mitchell says the U.S. Postal Service should be returned to sender.


At Forbes.com, Tim Worstall reveals the lesson from Jimmy Carter’s deregulation of the beer industry that directly led to a Golden Age of Craft Breweries.

Photo Credit: United States Mission Geneva

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