Arthur Laffer says government spending is out of control

Policy and Government

On Squawk Box, Stephen Moore calls out David Wessel for smearing him.

Washington Business Journal reports on Bill Gates’s recent speech at the Economic Club of DC and what he said about using capitalism to utilize ‘the lens of innovation’ to offer creative solutions regarding climate change.


At, Steve Forbes pens a letter to Mark Zuckerberg on Libra’s potential.

From Bloomberg, Jennifer Jacobs and Saleha Mohsin report that, despite policy differences, Jerome Powell and Director Kudlow remain friendly.


In the Washington Examiner, Ryan Ellis says if you are in the middle class, Biden wants to raise your taxes.


At Yahoo, Arthur Laffer says government spending is out of control and Congress needs to do something about it.

On Fox News, Arthur Laffer slams Bernie Sanders student loan bailout.

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