Arthur Laffer: Trump's first year was better than Reagan's!

Policy and Government
Arthur Laffer: Trump’s first year was better than Reagan’s!
Stephen Moore to join Washington Times as associate opinion editor.

Larry Kudlow: Trump is ending Obama’s war on business.
Migration to low-tax states continues.
At the New York Times, Supply Side Icons Bill Gates and Steve Pinker interviewed by Philip Galanes:
PG: …Since Oprah’s near presidential announcement at the Golden Globes and speculation about Mark Zuckerberg’s political aspirations, have people asked you to consider getting involved in political public life?
BG: Well, I am involved. But I won’t be a candidate.
PG: Leaving the way clear for Steven?
SP: Wonderful!
BG: It’s tricky. You hope that as one party moves in one direction, the other party doesn’t move too far in the opposite direction. We’ll see. There haven’t been that many anti-elitists, anti-internationalists elected president. But we have one now.
The Washington Post discusses the Koch’s plan to transform education.
Rumors of War:
The Currency War?
The Trade War?

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