Arthur Laffer: Trump’s trade deal with China is a great first step.
Policy and Government Arthur Laffer: Trump’s trade deal with China is a great first step. China is a natural trading partner for America. Steve Forbes:
Policy and Government Arthur Laffer: Trump’s trade deal with China is a great first step. China is a natural trading partner for America. Steve Forbes:
Policy and Government The Washington Times reports Director Kudlow is anticipating good economic growth in 2020. At Fox News, Andy Puzder says the Trump economy
Policy and Government NBER reports American consumers are paying approximately 100% of Trump’s tariff bill. The Washington Post reports the U.S. economy added 145,000 jobs
Policy and Government FEE tells us how a 14 year old created a candy empire. In the Washington Examiner, Bruce Yandle tells presidential hopefuls to
Policy and Government At Fox Business, Stephen Moore explains gives his economic outlook for 2020. On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny says China’s critics miss
Policy and Government At Townhall, Rachel Alexander praises “The Capitalist Manifesto.” ConservativeHQ: Committee to Unleash Prosperity won a big victory for fiscal sanity.
Policy and Government In the Washington Examiner, Tim Worstall says the stock market gains help more than just investors. The WSJ reports Trump’s tariffs hurt
Policy and Government On Fox Business, Arthur Laffer says the Trump economy is strong despite slow growth overseas. On Fox Business, Stephen Moore says ignore
By Lawrence White Excerpt from CATO: Milton Friedman (1951, 1960) provided influential back-of-the-envelope estimates of the costs devoted to extracting gold under what he called a
Policy and Government Bloomberg gives us a breakdown of the counties with the most economic growth. Monetary At MarketWatch, Sven Henrich covers the Fed’s retreat