Arthur Laffer is excited about the health of the U.S. economy.
Policy and Government Steve Forbes: China is closing on a major trade deal. Where is the U.S.? Richard Rahn at the Washington Times on this wonderful
Policy and Government Steve Forbes: China is closing on a major trade deal. Where is the U.S.? Richard Rahn at the Washington Times on this wonderful
At Townhall, Supply-Side Blog editor-in-chief praises the epic heroism of Jack Kemp and Ronald Reagan. Pullquote: The defining quality of Kemp and Reagan — with both
Policy and Government On Fox Business, Grover Norquist says Democrats’ proposals will shrink your 401(k). The Committee’s Stephen Moore, co-founder and chief economic officer of
Policy and Government On Fox News, Stephen Moore asks why Pelosi is holding up USMCA. The NY Times reports “128,000 jobs were added last month, the Labor Department reported
Policy and Government On Real Clear Markets, Aaron Klein says robots won’t take your job; they’ll become your coworker. Monetary President Trump tweets “China is
Policy and Government CNBC reports the U.S. economy expanded 1.9% in Q3. CNBC reports China does not want to make a major purchase of U.S.
Policy and Government At AIER, Donald Boudreaux makes the case for loosening government regulations on immigration. At Real Clear Markets, John Tamny expresses optimism for
Policy and Government In the Washington Times, Stephen Moore says Joe Biden wants to claim credit for Trump’s economy. Per Peter Wade at Rolling Stone, “during
Policy and Government On Fox Business, Arthur Laffer says the free market is better than any alternative. At Forbes.com, Steve Hanke laments the neverending trade
Policy and Government The Committee’s Ralph Benko, quoting the Committee’s Steve Forbes, at TheCapitalistLeague.com (which Benko chairs and Jon Decker, Managing Editor of the Supply-Side