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Grover Norquist: It’s time to end taxation on inflation.

Policy and Government

At, Natalie Robehmed details how Kylie Jenner used social media to make her first billion before turning old enough to drink.

USA most desired destination for the 1/3rd of emigrating Chinese millionaires.

On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny says wages aren’t stagnant.

From FEE, Dan Mitchell describes the consequences of protectionism.

In the Washington Examiner, Jack Gerard, Cal Dooley, & Edward R. Hamberger say a trade war would threaten the U.S. economy.

In The Federalist, Robert Tracinski explains why free traders are right.


Grover Norquist: It’s time to end taxation on inflation.

Laffer Curve At Work: Revenues up 9% this year.

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