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Hillsdale College does a Q&A with Steve Forbes on monetary policy and the ’08 financial crisis.


Hillsdale College does a Q&A with Steve Forbes on monetary policy and the ’08 financial crisis.

The NY Sun says Ben Carson was right about Yellen’s character, but the focus should be the Fed’s track record.


In the WSJ, Richard Rubin covers the VAT debate, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul’s tax plans.

At National Review, Ramesh Ponnuru attacks VATs.

At TIME, Amity Shlaes explains why the flat tax is more popular than ever.


At The American Spectator, Peter Ferrara details how Ted Cruz will balance the budget.


At, T. Boone Pickens says ‘no’ is not an energy plan.

On Fox Business, Art Laffer presents ideas to bring down the national debt.

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