Ralph Benko declares that Cruz Brilliantly Flies the Gold Standard in Presidential Debate.

6236460239_9c01ab4f52_qPolitics and Government

The Washington Post reports on the key rifts in the GOP, especially on tax and military policy.

Robert Pringle reviews Adair Turner’s book Between Debt and the Devil.


At APP’s ThePulse2016 Ralph Benko declares that Cruz Brilliantly Flies the Gold Standard in Presidential Debate. 

In the Washington Post, Ylan Mui says the one issue the candidates can agree on is attacking the Fed.

The New York Sun reprises how the Fox Business presidential debate shows how monetary policy, and the gold standard, is coming to the fore as an election issue.

Caffeinated Thoughts reports monetary policy has entered the 2016 presidential race.

From Reuters, Mike Huckabee says “tie the dollar to something fixed,” Chris Christie attacks the Fed.


At National Review, Stephen Moore says conservatives shouldn’t quibble over flat tax details.

From Forbes.com, Rick Ungar gives the progressive case for a flat tax— maybe.

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