22 States Set to Raise Minimum Wage Due to Bidenflation

The Biden White House keeps claiming inflation is coming down without noticing the irony that the minimum wage is being raised in 22 states with the New Year mostly to keep up with the cost of living. A dozen states are set to have a minimum wage of $15 or more an hour by 2026. They would represent 40 percent of U.S. workers.

Next April, California fast-food workers will see a 30 percent pay hike to $20 an hour – thanks, in part, to Biden-flation. This will eliminate tens of thousands of jobs for low-skilled workers.

Business Insider reports that two Pizza Hut operators in California are eliminating delivery services and laying off all of their 1,200 drivers by February.

California has half a million fast-food workers at 30,000 restaurants. Expect many of them to be replaced by automated kiosks and perhaps even robots to take your order in the next few years.

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