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$500 Trillion for EV Charging Stations

We noted earlier this week that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg sounded a little flummoxed last weekend when a network TV reporter asked him why a $7.5 billion federal program in the Biden Infrastructure Bill that passed three years ago (!) has only so far built “seven or eight” chargers.

We’re not sure why they can’t give an exact count when the number is small enough to use their fingers.

Thank God Pete wasn’t in charge of the Normandy landing.

Pete’s non-explanation was that “the president’s goal is to have half a million chargers up by the end of this decade. Now, in order to do a charger, it’s more than just plunking a small device into the ground. There’s utility work and this is also a new category of federal investment.”

Sure it is, Pete.

One of our mathematically inclined readers did the extrapolation and at $1 billion per charger, the program could cost $500 trillion. Now if THAT doesn’t stimulate the economy, nothing will.

Did we mention that some of our liberal friends want to replace Joe with Pete at the top of the Dem ticket?

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