The Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee have investigated what an additional $80 billion means for the IRS. They calculate this will mean hiring 87,000 new IRS agents and “an additional 1.2 million IRS audits each year.” It also means 800,000 more tax liens on taxpayers’ assets.
But only the mega-millionaires and billionaires have to worry, right? No. The rich have legions of tax lawyers and accountants. According to the GOP report, “nearly half of the audits will hit middle-class families making less than $75,000.”
This will be as much fun as a colonoscopy.
Given how Obama and chIef IRS enforcement agent Lois Lerner (remember her?) weaponized the IRS to target large GOP donors, it’s a good bet that conservatives with being first in line for audits.

Can’t we just simplify the tax code with a 19% flat tax?