A.P. News Just Figured Out “COVID Relief” Was the Biggest Financial Fraud in World History

We’ve been saying for two years that federal programs to deal with COVID were the modern-day gold rush of fraudsters and scammers – both here and abroad. We estimated the waste and fraud of close to half a trillion dollars. Now the AP has finally confirmed our estimates. The fraud rate of nearly 10% is about three to five TIMES higher than fraud from private sector insurance, credit card, and other comparable programs. The Biden Admin. has shown almost no interest in hunting down these thieves.

The only group that is really doing ANYTHING about this is our friends at Open the Books, which has issued 55,000 Freedom of Information Act requests. Read their ad in this past weekend’s Wall Street Journal here.

Next time both political parties rush to spend trillions of dollars as fast as possible, how about they don’t?

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