It’s fascinating to us how the media doesn’t talk about the nefarious influence of big money in politics anymore – because THEY get the preponderance of the “evil, dark” money these days. And have you noticed the pattern that so many of the crooks who get carted off to jail are major Democrat donors? Harvey Weinstein and Bernie Madoff jump to mind.
And so we now have the amazing downfall of another swindler, Sam Bankman-Fried, the Democrats’ second-biggest donor this year.
Bankman-Fried is the 30-year-old billionaire whizkid CEO of crypto exchange FTX. His fortune has evaporated amid allegations his entire “crypto-empire” may have been a vast Ponzi scheme.
Bankman-Fried was Joe Biden’s second-biggest donor in 2020. He initially pledged to spend $1 billion on political donations this year. He ended up giving closer to $40 million, probably because of the impending collapse at FTX.
Bankman-Fried became a hero to liberal and “woke” Democrats by championing something called “effective altruism” which had billionaires justifying their profits because they promised to give them all away.
Now Bankman-Fried has become a pariah with many prominent Democrats pretending who are suddenly pretending they never even met him or heard of him.
Uh-huh. And they never heard of Madoff and Weinstein…. Just remember this the next time Democrats pontificate about ending “corrupt money in politics.”