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Biden’s Red Light, Green Light, Red Light Drilling Policy

Speaking of energy policy illiteracy, can anyone figure out the Biden drilling policy?

The Biden administration, which had previously promised to the green fanatics that there would be NO new leases on federal lands has been recently touting new leases to bring down gas prices.

Even that was a head fake, according to energy analyst Jim Lucier:

“In the best case, we estimate the planned lease sales would not result in new production for at least two years of longer. In the worst case, the sales might trigger further litigation that could put all new federal lease sales on hold for years to come.”

But then we caught this announcement from White House Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy (how many of these people are there?) Telling MSNBC audience flat out on April 20:

But the So NOW do you understand the Biden drilling rules? If you do? Could you explain them to us?

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