Black Pro School Choice Democrat Beats Back the Philly Teachers Union

Nothing in life is as exhilarating as being shot at and missed.  So Amen Brown, a moderate, inner-city Democrat who serves in Pennsylvania’s State House, must be on top of the world.

Brown courageously took on the teachers union when he voted for a $100 million school choice program.

Cass Green, a community organizer backed by the Philadelphia teachers union and her former employer, George Soros-backed radical District Attorney Larry Krasner, challenged Brown in last week’s primary and made Brown’s support of school choice for black children the driving issue.

After several recounts, Brown squeaked through by 42 votes.

Congrats to Brown!

This has us wondering. Is there any chance the Kennedy family may award Brown their annual Profile in Courage prize for standing up against formidable adversaries to do what is right? We doubt it.

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