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Chicago’s Mayor Plans to End Successful Crime Prevention Program – But AFTER the Democratic National Convention this Summer

When Brandon Johnson ran for Chicago Mayor last year he told progressive groups that want to defund the police that he would cancel programs that help the police track down criminals. One of those is the city’s ShotSpotter program. It uses a network of acoustic sensors to detect gunshots and routes police to the scene.

This week, Mayor Johnson fulfilled his promise to end the program even over the objection of the very police chief he appointed.  But the expiring program will be renewed for seven more months. Why? Because the Democratic National Convention is in Chicago this summer. We can’t have people shooting each other on the streets when the Democrat royalty is in town and the world is watching

So let’s get this straight: in Chicago, it’s ok for criminals to shoot at law-abiding citizens AFTER the Democratic Convention rolls out of town. But God forbid that anyone should shoot a member of the exalted Democratic National Committee.

And they call Republicans the racist!

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