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Democratic Support Among Hispanics Is Plummeting

A recent Wall Street Journal poll found that Hispanic voters were evenly split between Democrats and Republicans in the midterm elections.

Just a few years ago pundits were predicting the nation’s increasing diversity would mean Democratic dominance for decades to come in elections.

But now, Harry Enten, a CNN analyst, writes: “The Democratic Party’s early 2000s dream of an emerging majority based on a diversifying electorate has run into reality….Hispanic voters (who are growing as a portion of the electorate) moving toward the Republican Party. Last week’s Texas primaries – show that these Republican gains don’t seem to be going away anytime soon.”

In Texas, the percentage of voters who picked a GOP primary ballot in the 16 most Hispanic counties almost doubled. The county with the highest percentage of Hispanics (Starr County, population 875,000) is expected to elect a female Hispanic Republican to Congress this fall.

Why the shift? Ross Barrera, the GOP chair in Starr County, reports Democrats forgot who many “Tex-Mex” voters are in the area: “They are Border Patrol and US Customs agents, veterans, oil and gas workers and business owners, all of whom are naturally conservative.”

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