Europe’s Revolt Against Climate Bullies

The entire continent of Europe is in revolt against the Net Zero decarbonization policies of bureaucratic elites. Motorists are furious at plans to ban sales of combustion engines. Farmers are mounting blockades over schemes to take away many of their cows along with their right to use pesticides.

Every nation in the European Union will be voting to seat members of parliament in Brussels in early June, and polls show that climate skeptic parties are likely to place first or second in a majority of the  27 nations.

Politico Europe has an excellent summary of the shape of this revolt in each of the EU member countries. Here is their summary:

Green parties are taking the hit — polling shows they will face deep electoral pain when EU citizens vote in June. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is also trying to run away from the green parts of her legacy. In fact, those pushing for faster action to protect the climate and nature are being left high and dry almost everywhere…

In the wealthy north, where climate policy is biting deeper into people’s personal choices, the blowback is rooted in a perceived (sic) affront to individual liberty. In the East, cost-of-living pressures are pushing green politics to the backburner while the EU gets framed as a green bully.

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