Now we know why the big labor bosses are so militantly opposed to right-to-work laws. It turns out that when even government employees – the most liberal group of voters in America – have a choice about whether to join the union and pay the dues, a lot say adios.
In the four years following the Supreme Court’s landmark Janus ruling, the nation’s four largest government unions—AFSCME, SEIU, NEA, and AFT—have lost 219,000 union members, according to a new report from the Commonwealth Foundation.
As Commonwealth’s state scorecard shows, Virginia dropped from “A+” to “C” for instituting collective bargaining (prior to Youngkin) while Arkansas jumped from “C” to “A+” for banning it.
For the record, We are not opposed to collective bargaining for private sector unions. But we are when it comes to public sector unions because so many elected officials are beholden to the unions. This means that when union contracts are being negotiated, there is too often no one at the negotiating table representing the interests of the taxpayers. That explains why states have hundreds of billions of dollars of unfunded pensions.