How Worried Should We Be That Joe Biden Is Incapable of Understanding Simple Math?

There was no progress in the debt ceiling talks yesterday, though we hear that behind closed doors the President continues to proclaim that he’s the biggest deficit hawk in the history of the American presidency. It is such a grandiose lie – and so weirdly divorced from reality – that a part of us worries that he may really believe it.

So we once again present the cold facts of the fiscal deterioration under Biden. In his first two years in office and in every year over the next decade the debt is LARGER than it would have been had he done nothing at all. But he didn’t do anything. He spent $6 trillion AFTER the Covid crisis was over.

Here is the advice we’ve given to the House GOP leadership: since almost all Republicans voted against every penny of this spending blowout, they shouldn’t feel honor bound to provide Biden with the votes to raise the debt ceiling UNLESS there is a responsible plan in place to reverse the debt and spending blowout.

And that, Joe, is nonnegotiable.

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