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If That’s Moving Up, Then I’m Moving Out – of New York

Well, New York is at least number one in something – people are leaving.

Until the 1960s, New York was the growth engine of the U.S. economy. But in recent years, its “Empire State” nickname is in danger of becoming the “Exile State.”

New York State leads the nation in population decline with more than 630,000 people leaving between 2020 and 2023. New York City alone has lost 546,000 or six percent of its population.

There’s only one city that is growing – which is Albany. But Albany – the state capital – simply produces rules, regulations, politicians, and lobbyists. NY needs to drain that swamp.

New York now spends $30 billion a year on public schools. Ten years ago, the school budget was only $21 billion at the same time the system served 231,000 fewer children than it does now.

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