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Is Washington D.C. Becoming A Tent City?

The nation’s capital now has an estimated 120 homeless tent cities and their growth shows no signs of slowing down.

A New York Post investigation found at least 35 vagrants in residence at a National Park Service site two blocks from the White House and more than 20 in the green spaces surrounding the State Department.

Daniel Kingery, 61, who pitched his tent in historic McPherson Square over two years ago, told the Post:

“Bleeding hearts have no brains, unfortunately,” Kingery said. “There’s so much donated food coming into this park, there’s not enough people to eat it.,,, All of these bleeding-heart organizations, bring pretty much the same thing to the same park and it usually gets thrown away … sleeping bags, ponchos, and once in a while I would throw away brand new blankets.”

Homeless has risen 40% since 2013, the year the Obama Administration implemented its “Housing First” policy, which offered government housing vouchers with no participation, work, or drug treatment requirements.

A Discovery Institute report advises the way to break the cycle is to require participants in federal housing programs to participate in self-sufficiency, drug, and alcohol treatment programs. Work programs are essential to getting homeless Americans back on their feet. Money should be redirected to inpatient mental health treatment.

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