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It’s Official: Democrats No Longer Believe in Civil Liberties

Last week we cited a highly-disturbing poll showing that 70% of Democrats believe the government should suppress freedom of speech to root out “misinformation.”

Fortunately, the Senate’s conscience when it comes to protecting our First Amendment rights has Introduced the Protect Americans Against Government Censorship Act.

The legislation would seem to be a no-brainer:

“It is the policy of the Congress that federal employees acting in their official capacity should neither take action within their authority or influence to promote the censorship of any lawful speech, nor advocate that a third party, including a private entity, censor such speech.”

This resolution was necessary because of the revelations that government agencies were trying to bully social media companies like Facebook to censor online speech the Biden Administration didn’t approve of.

This bill has passed the House – but – no Democrats supported it!!

As recently as 10 years ago, this resolution would have passed with near unanimity. Now free speech is a partisan issue. This is VERY un-American and very dangerous.

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