Let’s Get Back To Voting On Election Day

Even with COVID over – (just ask the president) Michigan, Illinois, Virginia, Minnesota, and several other states are already voting today. Most states haven’t even had candidate debates yet.

We are with 80% of Americans who want Election Day (except for legitimate absentee balloting) voting and all votes are counted on Election Day.

Imagine if you had early voting in jury trials, in which some jurors could cast a vote before all the evidence had been presented in court.

Worse is mail-in ballots. We learned in 2020, the risk of fraud is very real. You don’t have to believe us. The National Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, noted in 2004: “Growing use of absentee voting has turned this area of voting into the most likely opportunity for election fraud. . . . These cases are especially difficult to prosecute, since the misuse of a voter’s ballot or the pressure on voters occurs away from the polling place or any other outside scrutiny. These opportunities for abuse should be contained, not enlarged.”

Main-in ballots and early voting are probably and regrettably here to stay. But Election Day is an iconic American institution and was established for a reason. It deserves to be respected.


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