Lockdown Enthusiasts Are Advising Biden on the Next Pandemic

Some of our readers scoffed when we warned in our new report “Covid Lessons Learned” that the Biden administration might try failed lockdowns again.

But sure enough, this week we discover that University of Edinburgh professor and zero-COVID devotee Devi Sridhar (who writes for the leftwing rag The Guardian), is advising Joe on how to deal with the next pandemic – or maybe even the next flu outbreak.

Sridhar boasts in her column yesterday that “President Joe Biden has been actively engaged in global health security, and his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, invited several experts – including myself – to brief him directly on post-Covid-19 response.”

Did Sridhar really just refer to herself as an “expert?” There are few health “experts” who were more wrong on COVID-19 than she was. Her apparent advice was this: “The strategic lesson from Covid-19 is to plan for maximum suppression of a new disease.” This is a euphemism for militant lockdowns and violation of human rights.

We don’t know if Biden took to her advice, but just the fact that this half-wit was invited to the White House at all makes our spidey senses tingle.

Read our report here: https://committeetounleashprosperity.com/covid-lessons-learned/

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