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More Evidence That Hispanics Are Turning Against Progressive Policies

Progressive Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes (AOC) argue that the growing strength of Republicans in Latino areas such as the Rio Grande Valley of Texas is due to Democrats not offering enough of a contrast with conservative positions. True left-wingers would fare better.

But this week’s Texas primaries showed their positions can’t even command a majority in Democratic primaries.

Left-wing groups poured over $5.6 million into an effort to defeat Congressman Henry Cuellar, a moderate Democrat who opposes gun restrictions, promotes oil drilling and free trade, and has been a harsh critic of the Biden border policy.

AOC, Senators Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders all campaigned for progressive Jessica Cisneros. This was going to be a referendum on woke progressivism and the popularity of higher taxes, green new deal, defund the police, and open-border policies.

And indeed, it was. The left failed to knock off Cuellar, who has a 177-vote lead pending a recount. Progressive Democrats also failed to win their primaries in races to fill two key vacant state legislative seats.

Not only are Republicans gaining ground among Texas Latinos, but those who still vote in Democratic primaries aren’t buying the extremist message of AOC.

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