New Study Warns the U.S. Is Losing Its Economic Mojo


The Biden White House insists the U.S. is more competitive than ever, and that will only accelerate as Green New Deal subsidies start to flow.

The only problem is that the people who study competitiveness completely disagree. The International Institute for Management Development, an independent university group in Switzerland, has just issued its annual World Competitiveness Ranking for 2023.

It’s a disaster for the U.S. and shows the world’s largest economy is now mired in ninth place, having fallen to 10th place from 2020 through 2022. Before that, the U.S. had the top position for a dozen years between 1997 and 2009 and never laced out of the top three countries until 2017.

It’s pathetic and humiliating that we now rank behind Denmark and barely beat out the United Arab Emirates in terms of economic dynamism.

Those who have read Steve Moore’s book Govzilla: How the Relentless Growth of Government Is Devouring Our Economy, know that government now consumes roughly 38% of our GDP.

Step one in getting America back to number one is to cut government spending in half.

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