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Nine Of The Ten Fastest Growing Metro Areas Are In Red States

Stop is if you’ve heard this multiple times before: The new Census Bureau numbers on population changes by county show a continuing flight from lockdown and high tax Blue states to low tax and limited government taxed Red states, where schools also remained open for on-site learning.

Between July 2020 and July 2021, Manhattan suffered the biggest population loss of all U.S. counties – a loss of 6.9 percent. Four of the 10 biggest declining population counties in the country, both by total numbers and by percent, were boroughs of New York City. (Or was this just a reversion to reality after they somehow cheated the Census, we wonder?)

San Francisco, beset by a liberal-induced crime wave, also lost nearly 7 percent of its people. Los Angeles lost 160,000 residents while greater Chicago lost 91,000 people.

In contrast, the 10 fastest growing metro areas last year accounted for nearly 80 percent of the nation’s population increase. All but one of the 10 was in a Red State, with Texas home to four to the top ten.

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