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Now You Have to Pay a Tax to Enter New York

New York City is losing population and businesses at a rapid pace, so you’d think the city elders would be coming up with ways to entice people back.

Instead, the brilliant pols in New York now want to charge a hefty toll on people whenever they enter the city.

Manhattan will now charge vehicles from $15 to $36 – a tax that is expected to generate $3.4 billion a year. The city is so desperate for money, it is also planning to charge New York City Marathon organizers $750,000 a year to use the Staten Island’s Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge for a few hours.

Maybe they will move the iconic marathon to New Jersey.

These taxes are supposed to reduce “congestion,” but New York is being hollowed out by the highest taxes in the country. How much income, sales, and property taxes will the politicians raise to support the bloated government if no one comes into the city to work, shop, or attend a show?

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